Finish - Stone may be finished in several ways using different tools and techniques. Each finish gives the stone a different texture and appearance. This enhances the natural qualities of the stone and creates a contrast for carving and lettering.
Polished Finish
After stone is quarried and removed from the earth it is delivered to a manufacturing facility where it is sawed by large saws. After the granite is sawed it is placed on a conveyor where it passes through a series of grinding and polishing wheels. These wheels have pads of varying texture, and several types of "grit" are applied during the process. Finally, the stone reaches a high gloss after the final buffing stage.
Steeled Finish
After granite blocks are sawed the granite finish may be left as it is. Depending upon the equipment used, saw marks may be evident in the stone's finish. Sandblasting the granite face with steel shot, or sand in some cases, removes saw marks and applies an even finish.
Rock Pitch Finish
This finish leaves the edge of the monument with a rough, natural look as opposed to a sawed or machined finish. The edges are created by a chisel and hammer. A rock pitch finish is often used on the sides of a monument base or on other trim work to create contrast with steeled or polished finishes.