Other design elements to consider include:


Design Elements -

Shape Carving
shapeShaped carving is accomplished by chisels and/or sandblasting equipment with sand and high
-pressure air. This shaping gives it a degree of depth and realism that is not possible with flat

Flat Carving
flatFlat carving is also done with pneumatic tools and sandblasting, but the background of the
carving is not sunk. The shapes of the leaves, flowers and other details are not tapered or

Bas-relief Carving
reliefBas-relief carving takes shape carving to another level. Usually approximately half the depth of
the subject is sunk, which results in a very realistic, deep carving. Bas-relief carving requires many
years of experience as an artist and stone sculptor.

Custom Etching
We also offer custom etching.  Find out more about our custom etching and see why this design is gaining more and more popularity.  See our custom etching section for more details.

Finish -
Stone may be finished in several ways using different tools and techniques.  Each finish gives the stone a different texture and appearance.  This enhances the natural qualities of the stone and creates a contrast for carving and lettering.

Polished Finish

After stone is quarried and removed from the earth it is delivered to a manufacturing facility where it is sawed by large saws. After the granite is sawed it is placed on a conveyor where it passes through a series of grinding and polishing wheels. These wheels have pads of varying texture, and several types of "grit" are applied during the process. Finally, the stone reaches a high gloss after the final buffing stage.

Steeled Finish

After granite blocks are sawed the granite finish may be left as it is. Depending upon the equipment used, saw marks may be evident in the stone's finish. Sandblasting the granite face with steel shot, or sand in some cases, removes saw marks and applies an even finish.

Rock Pitch Finish

This finish leaves the edge of the monument with a rough, natural look as opposed to a sawed or machined finish. The edges are created by a chisel and hammer. A rock pitch finish is often used on the sides of a monument base or on other trim work to create contrast with steeled or polished finishes.

Lettering -
There are various fonts and styles that can be chosen. Below are the most common because of engraving and appearance.

Roman Modified Font
romanvThis is the font choice for the majority of monuments because of its clean lines.
Its wide letter composition make it a good font for engraving.

Outline Letters
outlineThis letter style is formed by framing the letter in two v-lines and frosting the center
of the letter. the letter size must be large for this type of letting.

Old English Font
oldenglishThis is a classic letter style that still has a lot of popularity.  Like outline letters, Old
English is generally used only on family names, because of the large letters needed to
make it readable.

vermarcoVermarco is used primarily in inscriptions and epitaphs. It gives a good contrast to the
modified roman letters used for the name and dates.

Raised Letters
raisedThis design choice gives a very bold look to a family monument.  Raised letters are
not very common due to the cost involved.  Each letter must be chiseled out by hand
to form a nice edge.